Online Doctor via SMS, Audio and Video Calling


Online Doctor is a platform that brings highly qualified doctors from all across the Globe to your computer. This platform has expert doctors in all specialties of medicine and surgery at your service. Online Doctor is a convenient online medical consultancy platform with a passion, innovation, integrity and excellence to become the world’s leading through SMS chatting, audio and video calling medical consultancy services. So that the patients from all over the world can get medical advice, guidance, and treatment plan from the highly qualified and experienced doctors and health experts. We are keen to bridge the gap between health experts and the patients.


Online consultations

Offer around-the-clock consultations through video or audio

Online doctor appointment booking

Allow patients to schedule appointments

Online prescriptions

Let doctors prescribe medications directly in the website.

Map with Doctors

Show nearby doctors and medical facilities to reduce search times.


Doctors and patients should both receive notifications about upcoming appointments.

Detailed profiles of healthcare providers

Doctor Profiles should contain detailed information about experience, certifications, feedback, ratings, etc.


“Find a Doctor and Book an Online Consultation Appointment.”

    • People can get information of doctors in their area
    • Can view doctor’s profile
    • Can view doctor’s locations on map
    • Reviews about doctors help people finding right doctor for their requirements.
    • It makes scheduling doctor’s appointments easy
    • Provide language specific online healthcare activities or medical help
    • People can search by Spatiality, Country, City, and Appointment Type (Appointment Type either SMS chatting and Video or Audio calling)
    • Can also book clinic appointment from website.
    • In profile Patient can view their Upcoming Events, Medical Team, Past Appointments, Documents, Notifications and settings.
    • Patients Don’t Have to Wait Long Hours.



“Quicker Way for Patient to Make an Online Appointment with You.”


    • Doctors can handle appointment anywhere, anytime
    • Provide online Video and Phone consultation to patients.
    • Let patients schedule appointments with you instantly, from our website.
    • New doctors can get career start up.